My dad observed the other day that Audi should allow me use of their logo as a symbol of my life. I am a four-ring circus. My life is not a TLC show. I have Quads+ mom friends whose lives are, and they ROCK it, but that's not me. Right now I'm sporting a greasy minuscule ponytail (I'm a recovering pixie mommy) with matching clumped bangs. My attire consists of a black Old Navy tank that is at least a decade old, no bra (that's right, I said it), and pink "Noel" PJ bottoms. Nope, I'm not dressed and it's past 12:00. Make-up rarely touches my face. I just swallowed my last stone-cold mouthful of my second cup of coffee. I'm able to write because my kids are napping and I have an eagle eye on the monitor sitting by my right elbow.
All of that said, I love my life. It's messy. It's hard. It's sometimes very isolating. BUT my kids are AMAZING and I am doing what I've always wanted to do, raise a family. Donny is an incredible husband and dad. He goes to work every day without complaint. He comes home, gets on the floor and wrestles kids, and then is my therapist to keep me sane (especially during cold/flu/RSV season lock down when the walls start closing in).
Quad Mom life is a series of tasks that must be seen to quickly and efficiently and will most definitely have to be repeated at least once throughout the day. It doesn't matter how fast you changed all four diapers, you will be doing it again shortly. You just pray it's not a blow-out. And they always seem to be eating. I find myself scrambling for a meal plan 30 minutes before lunch and dinner daily. Breakfast is milk and cereal, always milk and cereal. At least that one is simple. Each day is a cycle of diapers, eat, play, diapers, eat, nap, diapers, play, eat, diapers, play, diapers, bed (you can sprinkle in more diapers in there for good measure). When they nap, I clean up the Hurricane Mottlets aftermath and sweep with the full knowledge that the very same hurricane will descend again and undo what I just accomplished.
I try to get the kids outside at least a few times a week and that means a walk. I pull out our Runabout (my in-line quad stroller), load up the circus, and take them one the road (well, sidewalk). I love taking them for walks. They look back and forth, wave at traffic, and even chatter some. I gulp in the fresh oxygen and enjoy the looks we get from the passing motorists, ranging from disbelief to glee at the sight of my crew. Yesterday a passing walker exclaimed, "Lordy! you have a train!"
Each day presents new challenges and joys as my Mottlets approach two. We are actually able to communicate now which helps tremendously and they are starting to show interest in being helpers. They "help" me unload the dishwasher in the morning. Sometimes I can coax them into returning a few toys to the correct bins. The strong opinions and personalities are also emerging, resulting in the use of one of our pack-n-plays as a time out (or penalty box as Donny calls it) and more pops on the tail. The best part is the voluntary affection I now receive; little leg hugs, neck squeezes complete with a delighted squeal,"dee doo" (thank you) and "la lu la" (I love you) make my heart swell. I mean, how many people can say their day begins with four high-fives around the breakfast table?
I am blessed. I am tired. I am so incredibly grateful. I am SOOOO busy. And now I need a shower.